Lilied chondamclinick August 22, 2023


To make your skin's core look firm!

It is a PN-based skin booster, an excellent biocompatible substance extracted from salmon DNA, and is a customized solution for antioxidants, regeneration, whitening, and moisture lineups that suit skin concerns.

Skin foundation physical strength enhancement

Skin booster with 4 lines of PN

Skin regeneration skin booster using PN, an excellent biocompatible substance extracted from salmon DNA, is absorbed more naturally into the skin and improves skin conditions such as skin regeneration, elasticity, inner drying, and oil and water balance control.

There are 4 types, so you can selectively get treatment depending on your skin problem.

skin regeneration

Elasticity improvement

Dry improvement

oil/water balance control

Customized Skin booster for me

Skin strengthening solution, Lilied!

It is a PN-based skin booster, an excellent biocompatible substance extracted from salmon DNA, and is a customized solution for antioxidants, regeneration, whitening, and moisture lineups that suit skin concerns.

Personalized skin booster, Lilied

You can choose the ingredients you need for your skin to fill in the ingredients that is missing, and it has a high skin regeneration effect, helping you improve the overall skin problem.
similar ingredients to human body
It is ingredients similar to human body that has fewer side effects and absorbs naturally.
Select only the ingredients you need
You can select the ingredients you need to fill in the missing ingredients in your skin.
High effect on skin regeneration
Due to its high skin regeneration effect, it has effects such as improving wrinkles and promoting immune responses.
Take care of your skin using Skin booster with PN and Lilied

Lilied Treatment Principles

7 weeks project to strengthen the skin
PN extracted from salmon with the most similar base composition to the human body