T – Thermage chondamclinick August 21, 2023

Unprecedented Lifting, First in market

ANZ T-Thermage

Special result from research, effort, and experience.

Do you still insist on one procedure?

Synergy with more elastic skin

The first T-thermage developed by ANZ

Minimize the number of thermal invalidations to
achieve maximum effect. Also Improves aging skin such as wrinkles,
sagging that could not be treated by one

Definite effect! Immediate lifting + tightening!

ANZ's unique lifting


Cheongdam anz, the lifting education center studied both lifting and tightening of skin to last longer immediately.

Maximize lifting and tightening by interacting with a high understanding and know-how of each person's skin aging condition, skin layer, and device.

ANZ T-thermage Holds On Thermage's Energy Wasted By Preheating

Invisible aging skin !

Customized ANZ T-thermage

The ANZ T-thermage includes

We follow the standard to make it more effective

Based on scientific data through precise diagnosis that accurately identifies skin problems, plan the treatment after accurately identifying aging problems.